November 09, 2016 Corilee Christou is LibraryCity’s new library and publisher relations director emeritus Update, Aug. 19, 2018: To make more time for her grandchildren,... ▶
January 05, 2016 Bill Gates: A billionaire book critic who apparently shuns e-books Microsoft blew it. The company could have been Amazon, too—at least... ▶
December 03, 2015 Mark Zuckerberg’s $45B pledge: Why libraries deserve their share—and what they could do with it So of course I’m happy. Facebook founder Mark Zuckberg and his... ▶
July 02, 2015 In Warren Buffett’s own backyard: Underfunded Omaha libraries. National digital library endowment, anyone? "Currently, Omaha Public Libraries' spending per capita is substantially below that... ▶