May 06, 2014 Why the DPLA should focus on being a stellar ACADEMIC library: Check out these statistics Related: Why the DPLA is not a public library despite its... ▶
November 06, 2013 UsBook: Toward a family-friendly Facebook alternative to preserve your memories and help future historians—while respecting privacy The Digital Public Library of American is still on track to... ▶
December 16, 2012 The risks if the DPLA won’t create a full-strength national digital library system: Setbacks for K-12, family literacy, local libraries, preservation, digital divide efforts? Attn. LibraryCity visitors: You can participate remotely in a DPLA board... ▶
December 05, 2012 Tell Dec. 6 DPLA hackfest what a good blog editor/creation tool should be like—to help libraries and patrons easily create their own stuff If only WordPress, Drupal and the like were as easy to... ▶