November 14, 2014 U.K. vocabulary study shows long-term benefits of reading for pleasure: Lower nursing home bills, not just better K-12 scores? Calling for a national digital library endowment for the U.S., LibraryCity... ▶
October 14, 2014 Adobe’s laxness with e-book data shows the need for a library-controlled ecosystem for library e-books Update: While Adobe has begun encrypting the data via a software... ▶
October 06, 2014 The top six library issues—from the Amazon threat to the need for a national digital library endowment I love my new Amazon Fire HD 6—as much as I... ▶
September 01, 2014 How to read e-books on a $20 cell phone: Tips for the cash-strapped and plain adventurous Welcome, Slashdotters! Click here if you want to skip ahead directly... ▶