January 15, 2012 WaPo article on e-book crunch at public libraries is must-read for DPLA Tech Aspects Workstream members and others Both at LibraryJournal.com and LibraryCity.org, I’ve reminded the Digital Public Library... ▶
April 04, 2011 On Robert Frost, fences, and electrons: Why we need two separate digital library systems for academics and the rest of America—and content exchanges and other neighborliness Update: A related article has appeared at LibraryJournal.com. A direct LJ... ▶
March 22, 2011 DPLA still clinging to ‘Public’ in name—despite risks to the franchise and branding of America’s public libraries When is a library truly “public” in the traditional American sense,... ▶
March 15, 2011 A national digital library system for George Roper in McAllen, Texas, please–not just the American elite—and don’t write off conservatives They called Mount Vernon “the Hoods’ High School” at one time,... ▶