May 04, 2015 Cell phone book clubs: What they’re like and what they can do for K-12 kids, their parents and others How to set up a cell phone book club? LibraryCity covered... ▶
February 13, 2015 Book review: ‘Bexar BiblioTech: The Evolution of the Country’s First All-digital Public Library’ All right—so all-digital libraries are not for every city or every... ▶
July 07, 2014 Cell phone book clubs: A new way for libraries to promote literacy, technology, family and community A friend of mine in his 40s is about to start... ▶
June 21, 2014 Hip video explains all-digital BiblioTech library in Bexar County, Texas. Even jailed mothers can read e-books to their kids –Read an e-book at home or in the library, or a... ▶