April 11, 2014 The limits of ‘Hack the library’: Don’t aim for too much more with too much less—and try harder for more Less than 12 percent of U.S. public library spending goes for... ▶
December 04, 2013 Making the national digital library dream come true for the Hernandezes—not just the American elite: Strategies for librarians and public officials Note: This is the last article in our current series mapping... ▶
December 03, 2013 How the Hernandez family will benefit from two well-stocked national digital library systems and a digital library endowment Note: This is Part Two of LibraryCity’s series mapping out a... ▶
December 02, 2013 Beware, public libraries: You’ll go the way of print newspapers if you automatically diss nonlibrarians’ gutsy ideas Note: This is the first article in a three-part series. Part... ▶