April 30, 2015 How the DPLA could turn itself into a real ‘public’ library system—and encourage billionaires to pay for it and an academic system An eight-year-old girl in Massachusetts falls love with the American Girl... ▶
March 06, 2015 Beyond library walls: Free e-books for Beijing subway passengers Ride a certain subway line in Beijing, and you can use... ▶
February 13, 2015 Book review: ‘Bexar BiblioTech: The Evolution of the Country’s First All-digital Public Library’ All right—so all-digital libraries are not for every city or every... ▶
October 14, 2014 Adobe’s laxness with e-book data shows the need for a library-controlled ecosystem for library e-books Update: While Adobe has begun encrypting the data via a software... ▶