February 08, 2015 Seven ways to grow the e-book business while helping libraries and readers: Ideas based on my two decades of writing about it E-book sales aren’t increasing as fast as before, at least not... ▶
July 28, 2014 ‘Hunger Games’ publisher’s DRM bungle: New opportunity for libraries—selling e-books you can own for real? Scholastic Corporation, the venerable publisher of the Hunger Games series and... ▶
July 12, 2014 LibraryCity on ‘Kindle Chronicles’ podcast: DRM, DPLA, e-book future and cell phone book clubs among topics Never mind what the legacy publishers say. DRM will cost them... ▶
May 13, 2013 E-book usability news: Adjustable line spacing now on the Kindle Fire HD 8.9” and perhaps other Fire HDs—although I still can’t narrow the spaces sufficiently LibraryCity knocked Amazon for not letting users of the Kindle Fire... ▶