February 13, 2015 Book review: ‘Bexar BiblioTech: The Evolution of the Country’s First All-digital Public Library’ All right—so all-digital libraries are not for every city or every... ▶
February 08, 2015 Seven ways to grow the e-book business while helping libraries and readers: Ideas based on my two decades of writing about it E-book sales aren’t increasing as fast as before, at least not... ▶
September 01, 2014 How to read e-books on a $20 cell phone: Tips for the cash-strapped and plain adventurous Welcome, Slashdotters! Click here if you want to skip ahead directly... ▶
January 08, 2014 Should public libraries give away e-book-friendly tablets to poor people? $38 tablet hints of possibilities Update, Jan. 22, 2014: LibraryCity has reviewed the UbiSlate and given... ▶