May 04, 2015 Cell phone book clubs: What they’re like and what they can do for K-12 kids, their parents and others How to set up a cell phone book club? LibraryCity covered... ▶
January 31, 2014 Baltimore Sun op-ed on ‘Books and billionaires’—LibraryCity’s proposal for a national digital library endowment LibraryCity’s proposal for a national digital library endowment has just made... ▶
October 25, 2013 Make the DPLA a world-class academic system, let public libraries form their own e-system, and create an endowment for both, says Jim Duncan Editor’s note: This is Part Two of Duncan’s LibraryCity series on... ▶
October 25, 2013 Why the DPLA is not a public library, despite its many virtues and the P word in its name Editor’s note: This is Part One of Duncan's LibraryCity series on the... ▶