January 24, 2013 Amazon buys Ivona text to speech: Good or bad for disabled e-library users and other TTS fans? Well, guess which Seattle-based megaconglomerate has just bought Ivona Software (Web... ▶
September 25, 2012 Stanza e-reader NOT a sure bet for iOS 6, alas (updated) Update: I'm glad I used "apparently." I had Stanza already configured... ▶
September 17, 2012 Kindle Fire HDs apparently can’t change line spacing—and it appears that old Fires for now won’t be upgraded for text to speech Kindle Fire HD tablets apparently can’t change line spacing when you’re... ▶
September 15, 2012 How I turned my Kindle Fire HD from a cash register and billboard into a good machine for an e-book lover H.L. Mencken, the American iconoclast, depicted Puritanism as “the haunting fear... ▶