April 30, 2015 How the DPLA could turn itself into a real ‘public’ library system—and encourage billionaires to pay for it and an academic system An eight-year-old girl in Massachusetts falls love with the American Girl... ▶
November 06, 2013 UsBook: Toward a family-friendly Facebook alternative to preserve your memories and help future historians—while respecting privacy The Digital Public Library of American is still on track to... ▶
September 27, 2013 Family literacy and K-12 success: How a well-stocked public e-library system for the U.S. could help our students catch up with ‘The Smartest Kids in the World’ Amanda Ripley, who has written on education for Time Magazine and... ▶
April 10, 2013 LibraryCity’s take on K-12 libraries and the Digital Public Library of America Yes, LibraryCity has been on an S. R. Ranganathan kick lately... ▶