April 26, 2011 DPLA steering committee adds local librarians, women, minorities, per LibraryCity recommendations—and here are other friendly suggestions What’s a “public” library without public librarians? Responding to us—and others—the... ▶
April 22, 2011 One Rx if publishers won’t deal with libraries fairly: Grow your own content and gain more clout Publishers and libraries should directly deal with each other more often... ▶
April 21, 2011 A MAJOR reason why libraries shouldn’t rejoice over the Amazon-OverDrive deal? “Privately, some publishers says that the alliance will eventually limit ebook... ▶
April 07, 2011 ‘Libraries make no sense in the future,’ says Mike Shatzkin of Idea Logical Company, a well-known publishing consultant For the benefit of public librarians who don’t worry about the... ▶