December 03, 2015 Mark Zuckerberg’s $45B pledge: Why libraries deserve their share—and what they could do with it So of course I’m happy. Facebook founder Mark Zuckberg and his... ▶
May 12, 2015 National digital library endowment plan featured in Education Week LibraryCity’s proposal for a national digital library endowment has now made... ▶
May 08, 2014 Gates Global Libraries program is winding down: Time for a national digital library endowment to fill the vacuum Out of several billion a year in grants from the Bill... ▶
October 25, 2013 Make the DPLA a world-class academic system, let public libraries form their own e-system, and create an endowment for both, says Jim Duncan Editor’s note: This is Part Two of Duncan’s LibraryCity series on... ▶