August 18, 2014 On tablets, summer reading and parental role models for young readers: How schools and libraries can TOGETHER connect the dots It’s summer. Is your child reading—one way to guard against a... ▶
April 04, 2013 Sad fate of ‘Five Laws’ book shows need for DPLA-related efforts to keep old masterpieces alive Oh, the irony! In The Five Laws of Library Science, S.... ▶
March 31, 2013 How a national digital library system could serve K-12: A veteran teacher and school librarian speaks out Donald R. Smith spent 40 years as a public and private... ▶
April 04, 2011 On Robert Frost, fences, and electrons: Why we need two separate digital library systems for academics and the rest of America—and content exchanges and other neighborliness Update: A related article has appeared at A direct LJ... ▶