February 23, 2012 Amazon – IPG battle shows need for libraries to buy OverDrive and control their own destinies More than 4,400 e-books—from the Independent Publishers Group—have vanished from the... ▶
February 10, 2012 Penguin ditches OverDrive’s public library side: Another reason for libraries to take over the distributor and gain more clout Of interest from TeleRead: Penguin continues its anti-ebook-library crusade—restricts downloads to... ▶
February 08, 2012 Smug about OverDrive? A whopping 39 percent of U.S. public libraries don’t offer downloadable e-books. Does D.C. care? E-textbooks are no substitute, Mr. President Hundreds and hundreds of visitors have read LibraryCity‘s proposal for the... ▶
February 08, 2012 An e-smart family literacy approach for Rockford, Illinois? Back to the future? Could children be better readers if we went “back to the... ▶