February 13, 2012 Readium push from e-book trade group takes on Amazon—and Apple’s bastardized ePub Update: LibraryCity’s first look at Readium. The name makes me think... ▶
December 15, 2011 On gadgets and gumption and a Forbes blogger’s myopia: You can’t just Google your way out of poverty. Lesson for the DPLA here? Can you really Google your way out of poverty—no small issue... ▶
April 04, 2011 On Robert Frost, fences, and electrons: Why we need two separate digital library systems for academics and the rest of America—and content exchanges and other neighborliness Update: A related article has appeared at LibraryJournal.com. A direct LJ... ▶
January 11, 2011 Digital library race: Education, ‘October Sky,’ and the Sputnik factor Digital library race ahead? On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviets launched... ▶