January 28, 2015 No Paperwhite read-aloud for you! FCC again lets Amazon and friends diss people with disabilities Text to speech would cost a pittance to add to current... ▶
January 03, 2015 Want read-aloud in Kindles and other readers? Use the FCC’s easy online form by Jan. 9 Updated 1:03 p.m. Jan. 5, 2015 to include additional information from... ▶
March 17, 2014 Classy ‘Amy’ voice and other new delights now in Voice Dream text-to-speech app—and Amazon is fixing its Amy glitch in HDX tablet firmware When Amazon bought out Ivona—home to text-to-speech whizzes—I worried. Ivona’s almost-human... ▶
February 23, 2014 Amazon, please unmute the Paperwhite: No need for the workaround shown in this video, when TTS chips cost next to nothing! At first glance, the MIT-designed FingerReader shown in this video looks... ▶