April 27, 2014 William F. Buckley, Jr. on digital libraries, privacy and Andrew Carnegie: Read his words from 1993 The late William F. Buckley, Jr., shown in the photo with... ▶
February 11, 2013 A national digital library endowment: How America’s billionaires could be modern Carnegies for real Update: James Fallows's blog on The Atlantic's site reproduced part of... ▶
March 31, 2011 The First iPad User: Will President Obama work toward a truly public national digital library system, full of e-books and other goodies for K-12 and many other purposes? At TheAtlantic.com and in The Chronicle of Higher Education, I chided... ▶
March 15, 2011 A national digital library system for George Roper in McAllen, Texas, please–not just the American elite—and don’t write off conservatives They called Mount Vernon “the Hoods’ High School” at one time,... ▶