September 08, 2014 How cell phone book clubs could help get young people reading and change their lives Welcome to journalist Bertel King, Jr., LibraryCity’s newest contributor, also an... ▶
August 18, 2014 How to start a cell phone book club—for your library, school, neighborhood, workplace or other purposes Related: How to read e-books on a $20 cell phone and... ▶
June 20, 2013 A to-do for the American Library Association and local and state governments: Resolutions calling for a National Digital Library Endowment And now—a to-do for the American Library Association, meeting in Chicago... ▶
June 17, 2013 Obama speech and PTA-Amazon alliance help validate LibraryCity’s K-12 priorities: Now how about a national digital library endowment? K-12 led my list of priorities in the 1990s for a... ▶